
Here we’ve collected ideas for higher education settings. Enjoy the contributions of the following authors:

  • Nora Benitt, Verena Fries & Tanja Prokopowicz
  • Carolyn Blume
  • Darja Brotzmann & Tamara Zeyer
  • Daniela Caspari
  • Karin Ende & Imke Mohr
  • David Gerlach
  • Friederike Klippel
  • Hélène Martinez
  • David Nunan & Julie Choi
  • Dalia Shalaby, Christina Trojan und Katina Klänhardt
  • Leo Will
  • Marja Zibelius

Entdecke die Forscherin in dir!

Nora Benitt, Verena Fries & Tanja Prokopowicz

Auf die Haltung kommt es an

Carolyn Blume

Ich bin Mitch, und du?

Darja Brotzmann & Tamara Zeyer

Martina Greber

Frieda Oenning


BA Deutsch als Fremd-und Zweitsprache, Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Universität Augsburg

MA Lehramt an Grundschulen, PH Heidelberg

MA Lehramt an Grundschulen, PH Heidelberg

Florian Ullmann

Kyra Mitcel

Le Do

LA Grundschule, Deutsch als Zweitsprache, Mathe, Deutsch, Musik, Universität Augsburg

BA Lehramt Sekundarstufe I, Englisch und Musik, PH Heidelberg

Masterstudium Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache, Universität Kassel

Lisa Hangel

Tatiana Neumann

Clara Reining


BA Lehramt Sekundarstufe I, Englisch und Kunst, PH Heidelberg

BA Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache, Kunst und Kulturgeschichte, Universität Augsburg

MA Lehramt an Grundschulen, PH Heidelberg

Annäherung an die Aufgabenorientierung

Daniela Caspari

Arbeit & Entspannung

Karin Ende & Imke Mohr

Developing language teacher identity and agency

David Gerlach

20+ Ways of getting learners to talk English

Friederike Klippel

Professionalisierung von Französisch- und Spanischlehrkräften

Hélène Martinez

TESOL Programme Competition

David Nunan & Julie Choi

Dear Mitch,

In 1989, I had just published Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom and shortly afterwards, I received a copy of Process and Experience in the Language Classroom which I devoured in a sitting, pausing at new insights and perspectives, and thinking I wish I’d written that.  (Who knows? In the fullness of time, maybe I will!) And so began a personal and professional friendship that has spanned over 40 years and extended across the globe, from Europe to Asia, and Europe to the Antipodes.

When Julie and I were invited individually to contribute a task to celebrate your extraordinary achievements, Julie suggested we collaborate. After some negotiation, Julie selected the task that accompanies this message. She uses this task with her Master of TESOL students to orient them to CLT and TBLT. The students form small groups and are given thirty minutes to scour the campus for artifacts to support their case. Back in the classroom, each group creates PowerPoint slides and rehearses their pitch to the rest of the class using new language features provided by the teacher related to persuasive techniques.

“So why did you choose this particular task?” I ask.

“Remember the time Mitch stayed with us in Sydney and showed us a DVD of his Airport project?”

“Of course.”

“You asked him, ‘Why an airport?’”

 “He replied ‘Every city has an international airport.’”

Extending the metaphor, Julie decided every learning environment has resources for connecting the classroom to the experiential world.

Until we meet again, my dear friend,

David & Julie


Dalia Shalaby, Christina Trojan & Katina Klänhardt

Teachers matter! A twofold exploration into (language teacher) identity

Leo Will

What makes a good English Teacher?

Marja Zibelius