Michael K. Legutke

In 80 Tasks um die WeltAround the world in 80 Tasks

Welcome! On this website, in honor of Michael ‚Mitch‘ K. Legutke, you will find information about his career and academic publications, as well as a collection of various tasks for the foreign language teaching context (from primary school to adult education), inspiring texts about his works, and personal messages compiled by friends and colleagues on the occasion of his 80th birthday.

Enjoy reading!

Birthday wishes & texts on Mitch’s Work

In this section, we’ve compiled personal messages for Mitch’s 80th birthday as well as three texts that deal with Mitch Legutke’s work and his central ideas. Also, we’re collecting information about Mitch’s academic CV, his publications and his network of doctoral and postdoctoral researchers, hence the ‚About Mitch‘ site is still a work in progress.

Task Collection

The following collection of tasks is (very roughly) categorized by school types – not all contributions could be strictly assigned to one of the categories, as many of them include personal references and inside jokes, and therefore, might work best amongst friends and colleagues who know Mitch – ideally including him, too! You will find creative ideas for elementary school, secondary school, and higher education contexts. Many focus on English language teaching, while others are suitable for multilingual contexts or for teaching German as a foreign language.